Child's Annuity

The natural or adopted child (or children) of an employee parent may be eligible for a child's annuity.

An unmarried child under the age of 18 who was conceived before withdrawal from service would receive an annuity until the age of 18, if any of the following conditions were met:

  • the death of the employee occurs in service; or
  • the deceased employee is eligible for an immediate annuity at withdrawal; or
  • the retiree dies while receiving an annuity, having retired after reaching age 55 or after reaching age 50 with at least 30 years of service.

Note:  If the member retires as a withdraw and wait, this benefit is not an option in the event of their death.

The child’s annuity is $220 a month when there is an eligible surviving spouse and $250 a month when there is no eligible surviving spouse.  The combined monthly annuities for the surviving spouse and/or children cannot exceed 60% of the deceased employee’s highest salary. 

Please contact the Fund for eligibility of this benefit.

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