Tax Forms

Federal Income Tax Withholding Election Form

Please submit a completed Federal Income Tax Withholding Election Form to the LABF if you need to change the amount of Federal Income Tax withholding from your annuity payments.  

As a reference, the IRS Wage Bracket Method Table provides estimated standards for withholding based on your monthly income and tax filing status.  Please visit should you have questions or need further details regarding the form.


Form 1099-R

Form 1099-R is the IRS Tax Distribution form for distributions from pensions, annuities or retirement plans. The Form 1099-R from the LABF are mailed by the end of January.

In some cases, members receive more than one form since a 1099-R is sent for each distribution type. For example, for the year in which you attain age 59 ½  you will receive two 1099-R forms because there is a different distribution code for the payments issued before age 59 ½ than for payments issued after you attain age 59 ½.

You may need to include the Form 1099-R with your federal income tax filing.
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